Management Plan
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1.6 References
- Blakers, M., Davies, S. J. J. F. & Reilly, P. N. 1984. The Atlas of Australian Birds. Melbourne University Press. Melbourne.
- Carpenter, T. pers comm. 1993. Conversation with David Poyner.
- Country Fires Act 1989
- Crawford, A. R. & Forbes, B. G. 1969. Geology Of The Cultana 1:63 360 Map Area. Report of the Geological Survey of South Australia - 34.
- Dames and Moore Pty. Ltd. 1991. Titanium Dioxide Manufacturing plant, Whyalla, Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Superprint. Adelaide.
- Heritage Commission pers comm. 1988. Information provided to Clinton Garrett and Friends of Whyalla Conservation Park.
- Hilton, M. pers comm. 1994. Conversation with Clinton Garrett.
- Ireland, C. 1992. Recruitment in the Western myall: flowering formation and fate of seeds and the regeneration niche. Thesis (University of Adelaide).
- Jessop, J. P. & Toelken, H. R. (Eds.) 1986. Flora of SA. SA Govt Printing Division. Adelaide.
- Lange, R. T. pers. comm. 1991. Rangelands Ecology Field Camp.
- Laut, P., Heyligers, P. C., Keig, G., Loffler, E., Margules, C., Scott, R. M. & Sullivan, M. E. 1977. Environments of South Australia. Province 7 Western Pastoral. Divn. Land Use Research. CSIRO. Canberra.
- Lay, B. 1990. Prospects for Regeneration Survival of Western Myall. Letter to Tom Gerschwitz, NPWS, Pt Augusta from Department of Lands, Pt Augusta.
- Lewis, M. 1974. Ecological Studies Towards Management of Whyalla Conservation Park, South Australia. University of Adelaide. Adelaide.
- Lewis, M. 1978. Quantitative Studies of Arid Zone Recreational Impacts. University of Adelaide. Adelaide.
- Lewis, M. 1991. Vegetation of Whyalla Conservation Park. Report sent to Wendy Sysouphat from Megan Lewis, Department of Environmental Science and Rangeland Management, University of Adelaide (from unpublished Thesis).
- Lewis, M. 1993. Letter sent 2/11/1993 to Friends of Whyalla Conservation Park regarding student reports of Community Ecology Field Camp.
- Nicolson, D. pers. comm. 1995. Conversation with Clinton Garrett.
- Social and Ecological Assessment Pty Ltd. 1982. 275/132kV Transmission Development - Port Augusta to Whyalla, Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Electricity Trust of South Australia.
- South Australian National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972-81
- South Australian State Planning Authority, 1970. - City Of Whyalla Development Plan
- Strahan, R. 1983. The Australian Museum Complete Book of Australian Mammals. Angus and Robertson. Sydney.
- Walton, D. W. (Ed.) 1991. Plant Invasions, the incidence of environmental weeds in Australia. Kowari 2. NPWS Canberra.
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